Charlton Kings Youth Summer Programme 2022
The Parish Council's sponsorship programme of summer activities for children and young people was held throughout August 2022, with over 250 children and young people, ages 4 – 18, attending events and workshops in the Stanton Hall, Kings Hall, Grange Field, and Timbercombe Woods.
The programme included a broad range of activities, including Arts & Crafts, Digital Media, Cookery, Music, Outdoors/Nature, and Sport. Some of our young people also got involved in the Gloucestershire County Council Holiday Activity & Food Programme (HAF), led by Inspire to Aspire, who funded a series of sporting activities, lunches, and a day trip to 'Go Ape' forest adventure park in the Forest of Dean.
Take a look at the photo posters below – feedback from the activity providers, parents and the young people themselves proved really positive, so we are hoping to make this an annual event.
This summer Charlton Kings Parish Council has partnered with local businesses and organisations to provide free activities for children during the holidays.
This is part of the ongoing work of CK Youth, led by Cllr Lynda Johnson.
All activities are running nearby the Parish Council offices on Church Piece, at either the Stanton Hall, Library, Kings Hall or Grange Field.
We wanted to make the workshops as accessible as possible so there are age categories and places are being allocated by our partner organisations. There aren't any rules regarding how many different workshops you can apply for, but we do ask everyone to be mindful that these places are limited and we'd like lots of children to experience doing something they will genuinely enjoy.
If you are allocated a free place but your plans change, please let the organiser know as soon as possible so that the place can be given to someone on the waiting list.
As more activity details are confirmed they will be added to this page so please do bookmark this webpage and check back regularly as well as following our Facebook page on social media.
If you are a provider of free, local activities for children and would like your details added to this page, please contact the Community Development Officer on