- CK Futures
Charlton Kings Parish Council has declared a climate emergency and is part of the Cheltenham Zero partnership. CK Futures seeks to engage the community in using it's collective imagination to work towards a sustainable future. There are many things which can be done on a local scale to have a positive influence and CK Futures works with partner organisations and the community to make change happen.
The CK Futures strategy acts on the current level of awareness and acknowledges everyone lives a different life. Its aim is to inform, guide, and enable people to take an active role in carbon reduction and support the changes needed to achieve Cheltenham Zero by 2030.
- Restoring Cheltenham's Escarpment Grasslands Project
In 2021, Charlton Kings Parish Council was part of the partnership which secured a grant of £175,000 from the National Grid as part of their Landscape Enhancement Initiative which aims to offset the landscape intrusions of their transmission lines and pylons into protected landscapes like the Cotswolds.
The grant was for a three year project that will improve the landscape, biodiversity, archaeology, public access and enjoyment across the Cotswold Escarpment between the Devil’s Chimney, Charlton Kings Common, and the electricity transmission line and pylon on Ravensgate Common.
This project is called Restoring Cheltenham’s Escarpment Grasslands (RCEG) and is a partnership between Charlton Kings Parish Council, Cheltenham Borough Council, Friends of Leckhampton Hill and Charlton Kings Common (FOLK), and the Cotswolds National Landscape.
- Footpaths and Rights of Way
- Grange Field
Grange Field sits in the centre of Charlton Kings. It is used for dog walking, for games and as an opportunity to visit and attend the Summer Fayre.
Charlton Kings Parish Council acquired the lease of Grange Field from Cheltenham Borough Council in 2019. We are very keen to encourage greater use of this fantastic community resource by all local residents and are planning some enhancements with a focus on wellbeing, health, fitness and nature
- Community Allotment and Easy Access Site
The Community Allotment Plot is free to join and is a place to grow produce collaboratively. We discuss what we want to plant, share seeds, water, weed and harvest together. Sometimes we meet as a group and sometimes people want to go down at a quiet time and work on their own - whatever works for you is fine with us.
Last updated: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 13:07