16th September 2024

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Help for Ukraine

Welcome to the Parish Council's page with links and updates regarding help for Ukraine. As additional information becomes available we will update this page. The links to official guidance are at the top of the page and local fundraising events are at the bottom of the page. If you have any events or information which you would like us to add to this page please email: community@charltonkingsparishcouncil.gov.uk

Please find below the link to the Government's Homes for Ukraine Scheme.

Homes for Ukraine (apply-to-offer-homes-for-ukraine.service.gov.uk)

Here is the link to the Government's FAQ page for the scheme.

Homes for Ukraine scheme: frequently asked questions - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Please find below the link to Cheltenham Borough Council's Help and Support for Ukraine page.

Help and support for Ukraine | Ukraine crisis help and support | Cheltenham Borough Council

Please find below the link to Gloucestershire County Council's Ukranian Support Page.

Ukrainian support - Gloucestershire County Council

Here is the link to Gloucestershire County Council's FAQ page.

Ukraine support - FAQs - Gloucestershire County Council

At Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS) they offer support to those seeking asylum in Gloucestershire, welcoming them when they arrive, advocating for them in their daily struggles, supporting them if they face being sent back as well as helping them adjust to their long term future if they are recognised as refugees.

Please find below the link to the GARAS page:


St Mary's Church Fundraising - Sunday 13th March

St Mary's Church put together fundraising event to raise money for the people of Ukraine. The event was pulled together in a very short space of time with help from across the community. All money raised has been donated to the Disasters Emergency Committee to be used in support of the people of Ukraine.

The event was a great success and we were delighted to receive an email (below) from St Mary's Church after the event.

Message from St Mary's Church:

"The St Mary's Church fundraising concert went extremely well – there was lots of cake and plenty of tea, coffee and squash available through the afternoon. We were very grateful for the help given to us by members of 125 Squadron of the Air Training Corps who served refreshments and helped collect donations. The young people assured me that they enjoyed it and Simon Dundas, their leader said that they want to get the Squadron more involved in the community so they welcomed the opportunity to help.

Although we didn't manage to count the total number of people present this afternoon we know it was over 200 and probably more like 240. Despite people coming and going, as we expected, the church looked pretty full throughout the event.

Now to the important part, we think that, once the Gift Aid is claimed on those donations where forms accompanied the gift, the total raised will be in the order of £3,500. Cash, cheques and card donations came to over £3,000 so I think our estimate for the final total will be close to the mark.

Thank you, and the Parish Council, for the help and support you provided towards making this fundraiser such a successful and enjoyable event. The social media postings etc. you made resulted in some excellent contributions to the concert as well as bringing in members of the community who came, enjoyed the concert and donated to the cause."

Holy Apostles Fundraising - Sunday 3rd April

Holy Apostles Church is putting together a fundraising event to raise money for the people of Ukraine on 3rd April. There will be a cake sale, teas and coffees, a bouncy castle and games, and volunteers are invited to contact Megan Day churchoffice@holyapostles.org.uk if they are able to help on the day. All money raised will be donated to the Disaster Emergency Committee to be used in support of the people of Ukraine. Please go along and support this community event."

Last updated: Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:13